Light Hope Inc. is a Health Care and Mental Health Service provider. We specialize in patient-centered care and staffed by top-rated, experienced and licensed healthcare professionals, and several family services staff members. Each client has an individualized treatment plan prepared by a rehabilitation specialist licensed in social work. We want to be your partner, working together to achieve actualization of your client's medical, physical, professional, and personal goals. At Light Hope Inc we specialize in supporting children, adolescents and adults by being the gateway between our clients and the needed resources to function at their greatest potential. We thrive in bettering our general public and the families we serve.
Light Hope Inc. takes building healthy relationships very seriously because it is a critical component to the recovery and re-acclamation to the community for our clients. Light Hope Inc. takes a person-centered, holistic approach to psychiatric recovery, focusing on goals established in collaboration with the client and we work to address social, economic, physical, and mental health needs.
To Lighten and flourish every life we encounter, to increase chances in the community and full access to quality life, achievement of goals and living independently.